“USeP is the home of technopreneurs” These words were an inspiration, a challenge to the students. We had learned about the college’s feats during the past years, and how the students brought glory to the university by proving their intellect and skill on local, national, and even international competitions. The facilitator was proud about the students that he helped achieve these accomplishments and was hoping that the new generation of College of Information and Computing (CIC) students be as determined as the students from before.
The facilitator had us do a little activity during the
meeting. It’s known as the 9-dot problem, where you need to connect all 9 dots
in 4 straight strokes. The solution was to “think outside the box”, where you
need to break free of the imaginary limitations that your mind set. This was a
great way to show that, to achieve great things, you need to have a mindset of
not letting yourself be restrained by these limitations.
Then, we learned that Technopreneurship was basically entrepreneurship
but with products or services where technology is the main focus. The qualities
of a good entrepreneur also apply to a good technopreneur; one has to use their
whole brain, utilizing their logical and creative thinking.
most important thing that this lecture has taught is that Knowledge is Power. In
this information age, those who has the most knowledge and knows how to utilize
it can be the most successful and powerful individual. This is because unlike
riches and influence, knowledge can guide us through making informed choices and
understanding how the world works – granting the ability to fully employ all
your current resources to achieve greater heights.
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